Zespół NOS IMiO PW


Which Smartphone for a Smartphone-based Spectrometer?

Gratulacje dla Emila Pituły którego artykuł o spektrometrach dla smartfonów został przyjęty do publikacji!

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In this work we discuss an application of over 60 various smartphone devices currently available on the market as low-cost spectrometers. To analyze and compare the smartphones, they were supplemented by a universal 3D-printed adapter containing mainly a diffraction grating and a multimode optical fiber projecting the light from a smartphone’s light source (LED) onto the diffraction grating. The diffraction pattern is then casted on the smartphone’s camera. Acquired images were further converted to spectral patterns and compared. Possible modifications made to the images by the smartphone on both hardware and software sides were also analyzed. The aim of this work was to identify influence of the device’s components (hardware) and settings (software) on the obtained spectrum. Finally, we analyzed optical fiber sensors based on a lossy-mode resonance effect, using commercial and selected smartphone-based spectrometers. The results for refractive index sensing were discussed indicating limitations of the smartphone-based solution.

Keywords: smartphone, spectrometry, optical fiber sensor